
I'm OK - you're not OK, aggressive Philosophy III

2) Desperation

It is a person's state of mind when he feels helpless and he thinks that he is left with no other options, but to make rash decisions and accept even those option which they won't prefer otherwise. It often leads a person to become an aggressor.

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Finding Faults II

The basic premise of the book, “Loving What Is”, is that the idea that something shouldn’t be happening is invalid.

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Productivity vs. Stagnation II

Examples of Stagnation Mistaken for Productivity

•    Doing many minor and low priority tasks instead of taking on large problems, such as

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Body Language


In the transfer of his 2004 keynote spoken communication, Barack Obama attested prominent use of body language. His self-assured gait, squared

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Burnout- Bedingungen und Gegebenheiten

Im ersten Bereich (sh. vorh. Aufsatz) haben sie bereits die Bedingungen und Gegebenheiten festgestellt, die zum Burnout geführt haben. Sie haben Transparenz darüber. Es wäre der nächste Abschnitt, die bisherigen Berufungen zu überdenken und gegebenenfalls übrige Lebensplanung zu forcieren.

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Self-Coaching : Creating the Self You Want

Transactional Analysis seeks to establish a identified level of communication in all aspects of life which produce desired effects and outcomes

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Gesamtschau- Burnout vermeiden

Dieser Passus bearbeitet Initiativen, die Sie veranschlagen können, um Burnout zu umgehen. Diese kurze Gesamtschau bearbeitet vor allem

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