Anti-Aging Hormone Supplements

One of the most effective way in which you can reduce and reverse the effect of aging is to use anti-aging hormone supplements.

These hormone supplements have been created after extensive research and complete understanding of the natural aging process.

These are not magical products that can ensure miracles. But many hormones have proven to delay the process and reverse it substantially over time. Below, we discuss some of the most popular hormone supplements that are available in the market.

-    DHEA – DHEA is actually a hormone that is produced by the body naturally. The quantities that the body produces decreases with age. It is believed that by taking DHEA supplements all the effects of aging can be dealt with the delayed.

-    HGH – The Human Growth Hormone is also called the fountain of youth. It has been used in various products including injections, creams, serums and more. There is a large industry that has been created on the basis of this hormone. The issue however, is that the large amount of research that has been done on this has led to it costing a lot. A year’s supply can cost as much as $15,000.

-    Melatonin – melatonin has been identified as a hormone that regulates sleep. It has also been identifies as the hormone that can help in reducing the effects of aging.

-    Estrogen – This is a hormone that has been used extensively to treat menopause. Estrogen replacement therapy, however, is not the only use of estrogen. It is now being used to delay the onset of aging symptoms like wrinkles, lines and more.

-    Testosterone – This is the hormone that has been used to help manage the effects of aging among men. While this has been a hypothesis based on the reducing levels of estrogen in women, enough research has not been done as yet to confirm that testosterone is effective as an anti-aging product for men.


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