Formation of the Parent Ego - State III

Having worked in such an environment, I can only say the implementation was very bureaucratic and time-consuming as well as irritating in its attempt

to micro-manage every aspect of work. Perhaps that is the best way to achieve quality, but I suspect that monitoring and encouraging good results is both less time-consuming and more effective.

You have to wonder at the Parent-Egos of those who thought these practices were a good idea. Such idiosyncratic practices may work well in a particular culture but fail miserably in others. They are not easy to transplant. There may be countries where workers would not like to be judged purely on results rather than conformity.

There is security in the idea that as long as you do not rock the boat you will be rewarded. Communism and other totalitarian regimes as well as even democratic governments tend to encorage such an attitude wher following the rules is more important than the results. Perhaps this is natural to prevent chaos in government, but there needs to be some process quicker process other than elections to determine in the rules are achieving their objective and modifying them if not.

To sum up, encouraging good management practices based on the appropriate “good” Parent principles will foster an environment in which these management practices will perpetuate themselves. And vice versa. However because enterprises with good management practices outnumbered by those with very restrictive management, there is a tendency for a gradual return to the soul-deadening norm.

Be on guard for this and try not to employ senior management, no matter how good, who cannot demonstrate attitudes which will keep the organizational culture intact. It might well be your most important asset.

In repetition: The Parent Ego State is actually a recording of all external influences made before a child is 5 or 6 years old.

(continued from part II)