What to do against menstrual Pain

According to statistics, about half of women suffer from menstrual pain, the strength of which sometimes reaches an unbearable high levels, and in some cases women lose consciousness and can not even move. However, menstrual cramps can be relieved!

However, what to do against menstrual pain?

Method number 1

Typically, most intense pain we feel on the first or second day of menstruation. This is due to alternate contraction and relaxation of uterine muscles is. Some of these reductions may be strong, and some - less. However, some "female" disease may also "contribute to" increase pain, and therefore urged to consult a specialist for consultation and examination. Menstrual pain may be accompanied by headache and general malaise. Therefore, if the pain becomes unbearable for you - it is best to take painkillers, in consultation with the doctor. Some women prefer pills, some of the - cauterized.

Method number 2

Proper healthy diet, rich in vitamins, also helps to reduce pain. For example, menstrual days it is better not to overeat, and eat smaller meals - vegetables, fruits. Ginger tea also helps relieve the pain. Sliced ginger root, you can simply add tea - and tasty, and useful! Also, do not forget about the old grandmother's methods, for example - chamomile tea or peppermint. This tea is not only relaxes the body, but also relieves pain. Foods that contain calcium, zinc and B vitamins also help relieve your symptoms. In your diet on these days also include more foods rich in antioxidants, such as cherries and tomatoes. It is best to refrain from taking coffee, excessive amounts of sugar, flour products, alcohol and cigarettes. During menstruation should be drinking lots of water - about 6-8 cups of regular carbonated water.

Method number 3

Hormonal contraceptive pill also helps to reduce pain during menstruation. Those days are becoming less painful menstruation is reduced to a few days, and bleeding are less abundant. However, such drugs can be taken only on prescription, but not on the advice of friends!

Method Number 4

Pleasant water treatment can also be a saving in those days. You can take a warm shower with scented oils, which are designed for relaxation and pain relief. Also, you can manually make a relaxing massage in the "painful area" with a moisturizer. If you want, and opportunities you can visit the spa center.

Method number 5

Contraindicated during menstruation and too dynamic strength exercises. However, some physical "tricks" can help you relieve the pain. For example, for this purpose is ideal yoga and palates, as they are rich in relaxation exercises. In addition, experts recommend walking in the fresh air.